Thursday, November 6, 2008

lost days

I disappeared for an entire week! I've been blaming my tiredness on the daylight savings time. I've just been exhausted! Working at the work-job, going home to work on sewing and jewels and stuff every night, all with that awful darkness that winter on the north west coast brings. It's dark by 4pm for goodness sake! I've decided that this might just be the year that I splurge and get myself that SAD lamp. And then there's the days lost to fun nights out with friends and the subsequent day spent sleeping off a nasty hangover. Which is where we're at today.

OR maybe I've been tired because of this:

Helen at Orange you lucky just sent me a note telling me that she had accidentally painted my portrait! Isn't it awesome? This totally made my day today!

So perhaps I'm tired because I've been using some of my special powers to break into her subconscious and force her to paint this glorious portrait! I've got to do this more often! Imagine the fun of seeing portraits of yourself pop up all over the world!