Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lovely Lovely

The other day, I came across this super-cute-couldn't-be-more-perfect-shane-and-april-lamp on Anabela's etsy shop,fieldguided and I just had to let her know that her treasure hunting skills were off the hook! Shane and I are always on the lookout for things that look like us. I know its totally narcissistic, but its our hobby. Even though the little kiddies on the lamp are blond, they're still totally us. The round lollypop heads, the outfits, the knitting, the guitar! So us!

Anabela and I sent a few notes back and forth, and I explained how if I hadn't just spent a small fortune on supplies for my own etsy shop (keep an eye out!) I would be purchasing the lamp right then and there! Do you know what that sweet lady did? She offered to do a trade with me!

Thanks Anabela! I can't wait for it to arrive!