Tuesday, December 2, 2008

what the dickens?

I've started my Christmas decorating! I just put up a few giant snowflakes in the bathroom... they just look amazing next to the Emma Jeffs window film! I feel like it's really snowy outside when I'm in here! I just don't ever really feel Christmassy over here on the west coast where all we get is rain (save for a few days in January). I grew up in North Western Ontario where it snows from the beginning of November until, like, April? I remember snow in June one year... ugh! So I always feel like Christmas kind of sneaks up on me because I don't have the snow. I compensate by adding as much gaudy glitter and lights as I can to my decor! And baking cookies... too many cookies! I'm thinking that maybe tomorrow, or for sure by the end of the week I will have my tree up and hopefully one batch of cookies made!

I wore a little Dickens inspired outfit for hanging snowflakes and wardrobe remix. I went out to mail a few packages and get scared by the shopping hordes soon after and even had some lovely fingerless gloves to complete the look!